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If you are familiar with the Qt Signals & Slots API as implemented in PySide and PyQt5, then you should be good to go! psygnal aims to be a superset of those APIs (some functions do accept additional arguments, like check_nargs and check_types).

Creating a Signal#

Generally speaking, you will create a Signal as an attribute on a class. The arguments passed to the Signal constructor should reflect the types that the signal will emit. For example, if you want to have a value_changed signal, and the type of the value changing is a str, then you would create do something like this:

from psygnal import Signal

# define an object with class attribute Signals
class MyObj:

    # this signal will emit a single string
    value_changed = Signal(str)

    def __init__(self, value=0):
        self._value = value

    def set_value(self, value):
        if value != self._value:
            self._value = str(value)
            # emit the signal

Note how the class itself calls value_changed.emit whenever the value changes. This notifies "anyone listening" that a change has occurred.

Other components can subscribe to these change notifications by connecting a callback function to the signal instance using its connect method

def on_value_changed(new_value: str):
    print(f"The new value is {new_value!r}")

# instantiate the object with Signals
obj = MyObj()

# connect one or more callbacks with `connect`

# callbacks are called when value changes
obj.set_value('hello!')  # prints: 'The new value is 'hello!'

Using connect as a Decorator#

.connect() returns the object that it is passed, and so can be used as a decorator.

def some_other_callback(value):
    print(f"I also received: {value!r}")

obj.set_value('world!') # prints: "I also received: 'world!'"

Disconnecting Callbacks#

Callbacks can be disconnected using disconnect


Connection Safety#

The connect method provides a number of "safety" measures:

Too Many Arguments#

By default psygnal prevents you from connecting a callback function that is guaranteed to fail due to an incompatible number of positional arguments. For example, the following callback has too many arguments for our Signal (which we declared above as emitting a single argument: Signal(str))

def i_require_two_arguments(first, second):
    print(first, second)



ValueError: Cannot connect slot 'i_require_two_arguments'
with signature: (first, second):
- Slot requires at least 2 positional arguments, but spec only provides 1

Accepted signature: (p0: str, /)

Note: Positional argument checking can be disabled with connect(..., check_nargs=False)

Too Few Arguments#

While a callback may not require more positional arguments than the signature of the Signal to which it is connecting, it may accept less. Extra arguments will be discarded when emitting the signal (so it isn't necessary to create a lambda to swallow unnecessary arguments):

obj = MyObj()

def no_args_please():


# otherwise one might need
# obj.value_changed.connect(lambda a: no_args_please())

obj.value_changed.emit('hi')  # prints: "{}"

Type Checking#

For type safety when connecting slots, use check_types=True when connecting a callback. Recall that our signal was declared as accepting a string Signal(str). The following function has an incompatible type annotation: x: int.

# this would fail because you cannot concatenate a string and int
def i_expect_an_integer(x: int):
    print(f'{x} + 4 = {x + 4}')

# psygnal won't let you connect it
obj.value_changed.connect(i_expect_an_integer, check_types=True)


ValueError: Cannot connect slot 'i_expect_an_integer' with signature: (x: int):
- Slot types (x: int) do not match types in signal.

Accepted signature: (p0: str, /)

Note: unlike Qt, psygnal does not perform any type coercion when emitting a value.

Weak References#

Psygnal tries very hard not to hold strong references to connected objects. In the simplest case, if you connect a bound method as a callback to a signal instance:

class T:
    def my_method(self):

obj = T()

Then there is a risk of signal holding a reference to obj even after obj has been deleted, preventing garbage collection (and possibly causing errors when the signal is emitted next). Psygnal avoids this with weak references. It goes a bit farther, trying to prevent strong references in these cases as well:

  • class methods used as the callable in functools.partial
  • decorated class methods that mangle the name of the callback.

Another common case for leaking strong references is a partial closing on an object, in order to set an attribute:

class T:
    x = 1

obj = T()
signal.connect(partial(setattr, obj, 'x'))  # ref to obj stuck in the connection

Here, psygnal offers the connect_settatr convenience method, which reduces code and helps you avoid leaking strong references to obj:

signal.connect_setatttr(obj, 'x')

Querying the Sender#

Your callback may occasionally need to know which signal invoked the callback.

Similar to Qt's QObject.sender() method, a callback can query the sender using the Signal.sender() class method. (The implementation is of course different than Qt, since the receiver is not a QObject.)

obj = MyObj()

def curious():
    print("Sent by", Signal.sender())
    assert Signal.sender() == obj


# prints (and does not raise):
# Sent by <__main__.MyObj object at 0x1046a30d0>

If you want the actual signal instance that is emitting the signal (obj.value_changed in the above example), use Signal.current_emitter().

Connecting across Threads#

By default, callbacks connected to signals are invoked immediately when the signal is emitted, in the same thread that emitted the signal. This means that if you emit a signal from a background thread, the callbacks will be invoked in that background thread:

from threading import Thread, current_thread

obj = MyObj()

def callback(arg):
    print(f"I was called with {arg!r} in {current_thread().name!r}")

Thread(target=obj.value_changed.emit, args=('hi',)).start()
# prints "I was called with 'hi' in 'Thread-1 (emit)'"

In some cases, particularly when working with GUI frameworks like Qt, you may want to ensure that callbacks are invoked in a specific thread (e.g. the main thread). For this, you can use the thread argument to the connect method.

It takes a threading.Thread instance (or the strings "main" or "current", which are aliases for the main thread and the current thread, respectively), and will ensure that the callback is invoked in that thread. This is accomplished as follows:

  1. If the signal is emitted from the same thread as the thread that was passed to the connect(thread=...) method, then the callback is invoked immediately.
  2. If the signal is emitted from a different thread, then the callback is added to a queue specific to that thread.
  3. Important! It is up to the user to ensure that psygnal.emit_queued() is called in the target thread. Most often, this will be done periodically using an event loop (see below, for a convenient way to do this when using Qt).
from threading import Thread, current_thread
from psygnal import emit_queued

obj = MyObj()

def callback(arg):
    print(f"I was called with {arg!r} in {current_thread().name!r}")

Thread(target=obj.value_changed.emit, args=('hi',)).start()
# at this point, the callback has not yet been invoked

emit_queued()  # <-- emits anything queued in the thread calling this function
# prints "I was called with 'hi' in 'MainThread'"

Using with Event Loops#

Most of the time, you will want to call psygnal.emit_queued periodically from some event loop. Psygnal itself is agnostic to the event loop you are using. A very rudimentary event loop might look like this:

import time

# A simple event loop that just calls emit_queued periodically
def run_loop():
    while True:
            # do some work
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

# something to run in a background thread
def _emit_periodically():
    for i in range(10):

# start the background thread
# start the event loop

# prints "I was called with 'hi' in 'MainThread'" 10 times

Using with Qt#

Because Qt is commonly used with psygnal, we provide a convenience function psygnal.qt.start_emitting_from_queue that can be used to start monitoring the emission queue for a given thread. (It starts a QTimer in the invoking thread that calls psygnal.emit_queued periodically).

from threading import Thread, current_thread
from qtpy.QtCore import QCoreApplication
from psygnal.qt import start_emitting_from_queue

obj = MyObj()

def callback(arg):
    print(f"I was called with {arg!r} in {current_thread().name!r}")

app = QCoreApplication([])
start_emitting_from_queue()  # <-- watch for queued signals in the main thread

# emit the signal from a background thread
Thread(target=obj.value_changed.emit, args=('hi',)).start()

app.processEvents()  # or app.exec_(), or anything to keep the event loop running
# prints "I was called with 'hi' in 'MainThread'"

It is ok to call start_emitting_from_queue multiple times (so multiple end-users can use it).

Blocking a Signal#

To temporarily block a signal, use the signal.blocked() context context manager:

obj = MyObj()

with obj.value_changed.blocked():
    # do stuff without obj.value_changed getting emitted

To block/unblock permanently (outside of a context manager), use signal.block() and signal.unblock().

Pausing a Signal#

Sometimes it is useful to temporarily collect/buffer emission events, and then emit them together as a single event. This can be accomplished using the signal.pause()/signal.resume() methods, or the signal.paused() context manager.

If a function is passed to signal.paused(func) (or signal.resume(func)) it will be passed to functools.reduce to combine all of the emitted values collected during the paused period, and a single combined value will be emitted.

obj = MyObj()

# note that signal.paused() and signal.resume() accept a reducer function
with obj.value_changed.paused(lambda a,b: (f'{a[0]}_{b[0]}',), ('',)):
# prints '_a_b_c'

NOTE: args passed to emit are collected as tuples, so the two arguments passed to reducer will always be tuples. reducer must handle that and return an args tuple. For example, the three emit() events above would be collected as

[('a',), ('b',), ('c',)]

and would be reduced and re-emitted as follows:

obj.emit(*functools.reduce(reducer, [('a',), ('b',), ('c',)]))

Exceptions in Callbacks#

If an exception is raised in a callback, it will be immediately re-raised as a psygnal.EmitLoopError from the original exception. The original exception will be available at the __cause__ attribute of the EmitLoopError and should appear higher up in the stack trace.

If you would like to ignore exceptions that occur in callbacks (e.g. if you want to make sure that all other connected callbacks are still called), you can use the suppress context manager from the contextlib module when emitting the signal:

from contextlib import suppress
from psygnal import EmitLoopError

with suppress(EmitLoopError):